Wednesday, January 16, 2008

More Spontaneous English Is Coming


I've got good news for my podcast listeners. This year, I will be adding a lot more spontaneous English to the podcast.

What is "spontaneous English". Its totally natural speaking-- no plan, no reading.

My recent post "Cool Stuff for 2008" was spontaneous. I hit the record button and just started to talk. I had a general topic in mind, but no plan. I wasn't reading anything.

This kind of English is great for you, because its the kind of English we use in real conversations.

In the past, I couldn't offer much spontaneous English. Why not? Because to help you understand, I always want to include text. I know it can be very difficult for some students to understand-- unless they can check text.

Well, I tried typing the text myself-- but I was much too slow and it took way too much time. Next, I searched for professional companies that could type the text. I found a few-- but they were all expensive.

So, I usually typed the text first, then read it. Its still great practice for you... just not the best.

Well, now that Effortless English is growing fast, I can finally afford to pay a professional to transcribe my speech. Its expensive-- but our growth makes it possible to do more often.

So, for you, I will be paying for more transcriptions. More of my podcasts will be spontaneous. Also, I'll be including more recorded conversations between two people.

In fact, I just sent a conversation between Chris and I to the transcription company. The text should be ready in 5-7 days.. then I'll post both the audio and the text.

I hope this helps you improve your English. I hope you enjoy it.

Have a great New Year!

Listen To This Article at:
The Effortless English Podcast.


Surachart Opun said...

I excite about New Lessons.
I have been member. However I listen approximately 3 lessons.

JengSRI said...

AJ, where is the audio for this article, i'm dying of waiting your voice for this article :(.

LOve, Sri.