I'm A.J Hoge and I will teach you 7 rules for speaking Excellent English.
In my FREE email course you learn how to :
- Learn Vocabulary Quickly And Remember It Forever
- Speak English Fast By Thinking In English
- Learn Grammar Like A Child, Not By Studying Grammar Rules
- Learn 3-5 Times Faster Using New Learning Techniques
- And More....
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Speak English Fluently and Automatically
To speak English fluently, you must have speed. That is the main difference between written and spoken English. Spoken English is fast-- very fast. To be fluent, you must understand native speakers instantly. You don't have time to think or translate. To be fluent, you must speak automatically- no thinking about grammar rules, no translating, no pausing.
Fluent speech require confidence, speed, and effortless understanding.
In school, you learned written English. Now you are going to learn how to speak English fluently. Just join my free email course now and speak fluent English in 6 months or less.
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